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Myopia - Short Sightedness

Myopia (short-sightedness where you can’t see things far away so well) is rising fast and the onset is much earlier now.

Myopia is probably caused by a mixture of things such as genetics, doing a lot of close work, and not going outdoors (a particular issue during these lockdown periods). The advice I give to all kids is the “30, 30, out rule”, where you should not hold material less than 30cm from you, you should look away after 30 minutes and go outdoors during breaks. 

However, this only has a small effect on myopia. The problem with myopia is that the more short-sighted you are, there is a higher risk of eye problems such as retinal detachment, myopic macula degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts. 

The apparent reason why myopia increases so much in growing kids is to do with the changes in the eye’s anatomy in short-sighted children. In simple terms it is the image which falls further than what is required in the outer parts of the eye. 

What the eye then does is to elongate, further to compensate for this, but in doing so the eye becomes more short-sighted. This can increase up to the age of about 20. 

help with myopia

It is estimated over half the world’s population could be myopic by 2050.

Myopia is probably caused by a mixture of things such as genetics, doing a lot of close work, and not going outdoors (a particular issue during these lockdown periods). The advice I give to all kids is the “30, 30, out rule”, where you should not hold material less than 30cm from you, you should look away after 30 minutes and go outdoors during breaks. 

One of the most amazing things to happen in the optic industry is that we can slow down the progression of myopia by using clinically proven spectacle lenses by Hoya called the Miyosmart lens. 

They carry a CE mark and just look like normal spectacle lenses. Extensive research has been conducted with the Miyosmart lens and they do not affect the vision or visual functions. 

I am very excited about this ground-breaking technology providing a slight defocus in the outer parts of the lens. Hoya also give a guarantee that if the prescription changes by more than -0.50d in a year then they will change them free of charge.

It is great to see that not only can we correct sight with spectacle lenses, but slow down the progression of it getting any worse. Just by reducing the myopia by 1D reduces the risk of myopic macula degeneration by 40%, and Miyosmart lenses reduces the progression of myopia by 60%. 

If your child is complaining of problems seeing, parents are myopic or your child is short-sighted then get in touch with us at Hill Vision to have their eyes tested and ask about the Miyosmart lenses.

If you have any concerns, book an appointment now...

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